PTSD genezen


Patients seeking treatment for traumatic stress who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed a significant reduction in symptoms of stress disorder in comparison to those receiving psychotherapy.Ref.Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212-215, 1985

PTSD bij oorlogsveteranen genezen

D9-Dec-Emot-NumbWar veterans suffering from traumatic stress who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed a significant decrease in emotional numbness, in comparison to no significant change among those receiving psychotherapy.Ref.Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212-215, 1985


R4-Dec-Alc-ConsumPatients seeking treatment for traumatic stress who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed a significant reduction in alcohol consumption in comparison to those receiving psychotherapy.Ref.Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212-215, 1985



Patients seeking treatment for traumatic stress who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed a significant reduction in family problems in comparison to those receiving psychotherapy.Ref.Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212-215, 1985


R1-Decr-Anxiet-TramaPatients seeking treatment for traumatic stress who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed significantly decreased anxiety in comparison to those receiving psychotherapy.Ref.Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212-215, 1985

Significante daling van insomnia bij PTSS patiënten

H8-Decreased-InsomniaEen studie van patiënten die een behandeling voor post-traumatische stress-problemen kregen vond dat bij degenen die  de Transcendente Meditatie techniek leerden er een significante vermindering van slapeloosheid plaatsvond na drie maanden, in tegenstelling tot diegenen die willekeurig toegewezen werden om psychotherapie te ontvangen.Ref.Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212–215, 1985